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Bonneville Power Administration

Efficiency Beyond the Low Fruit

As efficiency programs mature, utilities and regulators will be challenged to keep producing demand-side resources. A systems-oriented approach can yield cost-effective results.

Author Bio: 

Hossein Haeri, Ph.D., is an executive director, Heidi Ochsner an associate and Jim Stewart, Ph.D., a senior associate at The Cadmus Group, Inc.

Continuous improvement requires changing practices and cultural norms.

It's the Money, Not the Fish

Asset owners in the Northwest cry foul as the Bonneville Power Administration struggles to reconcile FERC orders with its operational realities. The battle between wind and water has blown up into a regional conflict over transmission tariffs.

Commission Watch
Author Bio: 

Bruce W. Radford is publisher of Public Utilities Fortnightly.

Bonneville Power, wind curtailments and the bigger picture.

Wave Power Hits Oregon

Utilities in the Pacific Northwest are at the mercy of the weather. Winter snows, spring thaws and volatile winds always seem to bring either too little renewable power or way too much. For G&T co-op PNGC Power, wave energy promises a steady flow of nearby electricity for coastal load centers.