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Just Ducky

The neck of the Duck Curve gets longer every year due to California’s energy policies.
Figure 1 - California’s Duck Curve
Figure 2 - Mid-Day Peak Demand
"The neck of the Duck Curve gets longer every year due to California’s energy policies." – Steve Huntoon
Author Bio: 

Steve Huntoon is the principal of Energy Counsel, LLP. He is former President of the Energy Bar Association, and for over 30 years of practice in energy regulatory law advised and represented such companies and institutions as Dynegy, PECO Energy (now part of Exelon), Florida Power & Light (NextEra Energy), ISO New England, Entergy, PacifiCorp, Williston Basin (MDU Resources) and Conectiv (now part of PHI).

If you provide free storage and distribution services, too much will be used, and costs for everyone else will go through the roof(top).

Bill Hogan, Unbundled

A no-holds-barred interview with the electric industry’s chief architect of wholesale electric market design.

People In Power
Author Bio: 

John A. Bewick is Fortnightly’s contributing editor and formerly was secretary for environmental affairs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He holds advanced degrees in nuclear science and business management.

A candid commentary on current topics in electric restructuring.

Solar Dawn

Pressure is rising in the effort to bring photovoltaics (PV) into cost parity with other power sources.